
What is Your Leadership Style?

Here are few stories to illustrate Leadership styles of of few leaders: Leader 1: Ram is an expert technologist and is recently promoted as a manager for the product he has …

Should your team do Daily Scrum daily?

Scrum Framework suggests that the Development Team sync up everyday for maximum of 15 minutes so that all team members can inspect where they are in achieving the sprint goal …

Is Scrum Enough?

Scrum is a process framework designed for new product development. Scrum is a guidance with few rules. But is it enough to do your product development? Probably not! As soon …

An Estimation Experiment

Estimating work (stories) probably is the hardest part in software development. Every team I have seen seemed to struggle with it. Lately, there is lot of talk about #NoEstimates. I …

Try first.. then test

Testers who are new to agile software development often struggle to find a way to test the code in smaller pieces. This is mainly because they are trained to test …